Chances are, if you’re looking at swapping to online school, you have some reservations about it. After all, when you’re in online school, there’s a lot more that has to be managed by you.
For instance, lunch now becomes a problem. Who takes care of that? What about social life–what happens there? Let’s not forget about the problem of having to mandate your own school work. It seems like there’s a lot to worry about.
But really, there isn’t. Trust me.
Let’s dive into the various areas of worry with online school and the solutions for them.
Meals and Online School
Making lunch at home can be a plus because you get to choose what to eat and you can improve your cooking skills. If you want to make cooking easy, go to eMeals. They have quick-and-easy recipes that anyone can use.
When you move to online school, you now have to take care of your own lunch. There’s no cafeteria anymore to serve food. While that seems like it could be a major issue, this can actually be a plus!
Because lunch is now in your hands, you get to decide what you eat. This means that you can eat healthier than if you were just getting a school lunch.
On top of that, you get to save your food for leftovers. In a cafeteria, if you can’t finish your lunch, there’s not really any place to put the excess food aside from the trash. At home, however, you get to keep the excess food as leftovers. No waste!
You can also use this as a time to improve your cooking skills. Later in life, you’ll be glad you learned how to cook. Especially in college, because compared to your friends, you’ll be having gourmet meals. (And if you’re a parent, this will also come in handy.)
If you’re worried about the time constraint, then a super easy solution is eMeals. You choose a recipe plan and they send you quick-and-easy meal plans. They also integrate with things like Walmart Groceries Pickup so you know exactly what food to get for the meals. (If you’re a parent: Yes, your kids can do this, too. My 12 year old brother can cook dinner using eMeals.)
With eMeals, it takes about 30 minutes to cook a meal–and only 10-15 of that is active. The rest is just letting the meal set and cook. It makes cooking super easy.
Social Life
There are still ways to make and keep friends while doing online school, so don’t stress about it.
You can maintain contact with your current friends through things like phones. Technology is wonderful for that! You can then set up times to meet up with them on your own time. Then, you get to do whatever you want–you don’t have to be doing school while seeing your friends (which, let’s be honest, is kind of boring).
In fact, with online school, I actually have more time to spend with my friends. Online school makes getting school work done super easy. I can get my work done super quick (and so can my friends) and then we can go hang out–whether virtually through things like video games, or in real life.
When it comes to making new friends, then all you really have to do is find extracurricular activities you want to do and make friends there. Chances are, you’ve been doing things like this before, anyway. You can go find new friends anywhere.
School Work
With online school, you can actually get your school work done extremely quickly. The classes (if there are any) are online and more fluid, which allow for more time to get homework done instead of just sitting in a class. Plus, you get to work at more of your own pace in online school.
With online school, there are usually less classes–or at least quicker classes. Because the teacher no longer has to wait for all the students to arrive and settle down, they get to launch straight into the lesson, which makes class quicker. There’s a lot less chance for disruption in online school.
Now, it seems like actually getting the motivation to work on school would be an issue, but in online school, it’s not. Online school is basically the same thing as brick-and-mortar, or “regular,” school, but it’s moved online. That means there are still deadlines for work to be completed. It’s flexible, but not totally fluid–there’s still some rigidity to it.
Basically, that means that school has to get done. It’s not something that’s super on-your-own where you could procrastinate on or even not do.
Learning and Grades
With online school, it seems like learning and grades also could be an issue. After all, there’s no teacher there to see if you (or your student, if you’re a parent) are struggling. There are things to do to combat this, though.
Because you’re in online school, there’s more flexibility and freedom in how you learn: You can watch YouTube or read resources other than your textbook to learn better than you would with the textbook.
That’s not to say that you should completely ignore the textbook or your teacher, but if you are struggling with the way that the information is being presented from the teacher or the textbook, then you have more freedom to learn on your own.
If you do come across troubles and need the teacher to help, just send them an email. After all, it’s their job to teach you.
Online school seems like it can be a little tough, but don’t let it get you down. You can turn any negative into a positive.
You can also turn any positive into a negative, but… I’m not sure why you would…
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